For children, you need to use only high-quality oil, with a minimum amount of synthetic components. You can find organic essential oils in Australia with Oil Garden to ensure that your little one inhales air that is healthy for them.
You can’t apply them before the child turns two weeks old. The essential oils that can be used for children depend on the age of the baby:
- From 2 weeks, chamomile or lavender oil is suitable. They have a calming and relaxing effect. Chamomile oil also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and it can cope with inflammation on delicate skin.
- Starting from two months you can add sandalwood and fennel oil. Fennel oil will accelerate recovery if the child is cold, and sandalwood will strengthen the immune system.
- After six months, the use of tea tree oil, cinnamon and geranium is allowed.
Until the child is two years old, eucalyptus oil remains forbidden for him. It can be used only after consulting a pediatrician, especially when it comes to inhalation. For children under 12 years of age, the dosage of any oil should be half the dose of an adult.
Essential oils safe for children are used for the following purposes:
- For soothing baths: It is enough to dilute one drop of ether in a tablespoon of base oil, which can serve as a medium, and pour the mixture into water.
- For inhalation when coughing: It is necessary to choose oils with anti-inflammatory properties. They will facilitate the withdrawal of sputum and accelerate recovery. The baby feels better after just a few treatments.
- For the treatment of allergic skin reactions: Lubricate irritated areas with a drop of oil.
- To flavour the room: All that is needed is an aroma lamp. It needs to be placed where the child cannot reach. With the help of such aromatherapy, you can achieve a calming and relaxing effect.
In case of allergy symptoms, such as rash, itching on the skin or sudden breathing problems, the use of oil should be stopped immediately and the child doctor should be informed about this.
Essential oils for babies
Babies love good smells and are very sensitive to their effects on the environment. However, keep in mind that they are also much more sensitive than you, and excessive aromas can cause significant discomfort to your baby.
The book “Aromatherapy for Babies and Children: Gentle Treatments for Health and Well-being: by Shirley Price indicated some aromatic oils that are considered safe for children and babies:
- Bergamot *
- Lemon *
- Cedar
- Tangerine *
- Chamomile
- Tea Tree
- Cypress
- Sweet Orange *
- Frankincense
- Roses
- Geranium
- Rosemary
- Ginger
- Sandalwood
- Lavender
* Photosensitive oils: Beware of exposure to sunlight.
Each aromatic oil acts on the baby or child as expected for the known action of the oil.
Agitation, nervousness, annoying teeth: The use of chamomile, lavender, bergamot, lemon, tangerine and sweet orange is recommended.
During colds, stuffy nose, flu conditions: Prefer rosemary, ginger, geranium, tea tree, lemon or cedar.
Colic and gas: Orange-sweet, star anise or fennel.
Agitation in older children: Peppermint in the flavouring, lavender, sandalwood and olive.